Fabulous Tan
Lenawee County’s Highest Quality, Highest Capacity Tanning Salon
When you want a great tanning experience, visit Fabulous Tan at the Adrian Image Center! Our customers appreciate the no-wait, no-appointment-necessary indoor tanning visits, where we can accommodate more than 60 clients in one hour. We believe in providing the best value for you.
Many of our clients enjoy the comfort of tanning beds, and Fabulous Tan at the Adrian Image Center offers high quality tanning equipment that creates a base tan within a few short sessions and a deep, long-lasting tan in a very short time. Our qualified staff can answer any questions you have about indoor tanning.
With a variety of unlimited tanning packages, you’ll find one that fits your budget and gives your skin a great look! Compare the tanning packages below to find the one that fits your needs. We also offer discounts on popular products such as Designer Skin and Australian Gold.
Tanning Membership Plan
No Contract, No Commitment, No Catches
Start a membership with a low Joiner Fee, and then choose your tanning preferences, payable monthly via an EFT program, which can be stopped at any time. Our membership is built on “No Contract, No Commitment, No Catches”, so you aren’t locked into an ongoing membership. Ask for current details about the program. Remember Fabulous Tan of Adrian when you’re looking for a friendly, clean, and comfortable tanning salon in Lenawee County, Michigan!
Monthly Tanning EFT Memberships
Suntouch Plus Tanning – Initial $39.99 Joiner fee, then tan as much as you want for $32.99 EFT monthly, plus tan tax. Includes all stand-up booths and all beds except the King High Pressure bed.
Suntouch Tanning – Initial $39.99 Joiner fee, then tan as much as you want for $21.99 EFT monthly, plus tan tax. Includes the stand-up booths and two smaller tanning beds.
Annual Tanning Packages
Annual Suntouch Plus Package $329.00 (one year, no joiner fee)
Annual Suntouch Package $219.00 (one year, no joiner fee)
Monthly Tanning + Fitness EFT Memberships
Advantage Plus Membership – Initial $39.99 Joiner fee, then Fitness and Tan (includes all tanning beds plus one spray tan each month) for $43.99 per month via an EFT program, which can be stopped at any time.
Advantage Membership – Fitness and Tanning – Initial $39.99 Joiner fee, then only $21.99 per month via an EFT program. Get fitness plus some tanning options – call for details.
Introducing Sunless Tanning for our Customers
Keep up with the latest tanning methods by using Norvell® Auto Revolution, our sunless tanning service that gives you a great, just-off-the-beach color in minutes.
Fabulous Tan is proud to offer the Norvell® iNTELLiSPRAY™ to Lenawee County, a private system for giving a beautiful sunless tan. This is the latest, state-of-the-art tanning system that is automated, so you won’t have a stranger applying the tan – the Norvell® booth is programmed to give you just the right application over your entire body. See the quick video.
Want to know more about the Sunless Tanning Process? Stop in and see us today! We offer great deals on packages or individual sessions on all our tanning units. We also offer discounts on tanning lotion products.
Single Visits
Single Visit Pricing: Pay as You Go!- NO Joiner Fee Required
- Stand-up Booths: $6 per visit
- Big Beds & Stand-up Booths: $10 per visit
- Spray Tan Sessions: $20 per visit
- Add 10% tan tax – ask for more details
6-Pack Visits
Save on Each Visit- NO Joiner Fee Required
- Stand-up Booths: $5.83 per visit equals $35 pkg.
- Big Beds & Stand-up Booths: $9.16 per visit equals $55 pkg.
- Spray Tan Sessions: $11.66 per visit equals $70 pkg.
- Add 10% tan tax – ask for more details
12-Pack Visits
Save EVEN MORE on Each Visit- NO Joiner Fee Required
- Stand-up Booths: $5.00 per visit equals $60 pkg.
- Big Beds & Stand-up Booths: $8.33 per visit equals $100 pkg.
- Spray Tan Sessions: $10 per visit equals $120 pkg.
- Add 10% tan tax – ask for more details
How our Tanning Salon Certification Helps You Tan Better
There are many things to consider for a great cosmetic tan indoors. Not all tanning salons are equal, so here are some tips to think about. Staff members at the Image Center have completed the Sun is Life Certification, to keep informed about the latest information on...
Top Things To Consider When Finding a Tanning Salon
There are a number of factors that you need to consider when finding a tanning salon. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and you should take care to protect it. Research has shown that tanning can offer benefits to your skin and to your overall health. Not...
Benefits of Moisturizing And Tanning
Moisturizing and tanning can have many benefits for keeping skin healthy and looking young. Learning the best techniques and methods will allow you to get the most out of your routine. Top Benefits for Regular Moisturizing Rehydrating dry skin. Water is a vital part...
Top 5 Reasons to Spray Tan
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Winter Skin Care Tips
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Tanning Tips for Visiting the Beach
Take a break from normal work schedules and visit the beach for some relaxation! But, remember that outdoor tanning safely requires some basic tanning tips in order to protect your skin and your health, especially if you haven’t established a base tan first. The sun...
Get Better Suntan Results and Skin Care with the Basic Four
Getting a great suntan requires more than just lying on the beach, baking for hours; or visiting a tanning salon and coming out “just right”. A great suntan also involves preparing and protecting your skin and following some basic skin care recommendations to help...
Spray Tanning Tips to Look Good for Your Wedding
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Spring is Here – Get Your Tan Ready!
Finally, the sunshine breaks through the winter doldrums, and people are looking forward to being outdoors again. Rushing into the warmer seasons takes careful planning if you are new to tanning, so consider these spring tips at getting your tan ready. Hydrate with...
Can Indoor Tanning Help S.A.D.?
Seasonal Affective Disorder affects many people as winter sets in, but can indoor tanning help with this problem? According to WebMD, there are actually two seasonal patterns for SAD, and what is often known as winter depression affects people this time of year. Many...